
CORONAVIRUS - The Latest Updates From Carrs Silver

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information For Our Customers

Please keep visiting this page for the latest information.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I place an order? Will UPS deliver my parcel?

Yes, Carrs continues to serve customers.  You can check the current delivery times at order check-out.

2. Are delivery times affected?

At the moment UPS is still offering a next day delivery, so as long as your item is in stock then it will be delivered as normal.

3. I am self-isolating, how do I return a product?

You can return in the normal way as this is contactless. If you’re having problems with a product you’ve purchased, please contact us.

4. Is it safe to receive orders?

The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low. You can find the latest information on COVID-19 on the information pages of the UK Government and the World Health Organization.

5. Is it possible to reduce contact with the driver when they deliver my order?

Yes. Drivers have been advised to reduce contact with customers by placing packages at the customer’s doorstep and stepping back. If an ID check is required, these are now performed at a distance.

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